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Master Program in Biostatistics

Viktor von Wyl: Open Topic

Uncovering Multiple Sclerosis Insights through the Swiss Registry

The Swiss Multiple Sclerosis Registry (SMSR, www.ms-register.ch) is an ongoing, longitudinal study for and with persons with Multiple Sclerosis. So far, the SMSR has collected baseline information from 2'700 participants and over 10'500 follow-up surveys. The surveys cover a broad range of topics (treatment, diagnosis, symptom burden, access to care, lifestyle parameters, health-related quality of life). Furthermore, the SMSR has access to other linked administrative and research-databases, as well as activity-sensor data, leading to a rich, multimodal database. Possible research ideas include
1) analyses of health-related quality of life trajectories to identify change points in time series and associated factors
2) investigations into the evolution of treatment initiation patterns and treatment outcomes in persons with MS, or
3) the application of machine learning algorithms to identify patterns that are associated with specific MS symptoms, co-morbidities, or side effects of treatments
We also welcome your ideas for applied research projects and method applications with the SMSR database.